
Google Google + registration open to the public new nine features

Google + social networks to registered users no longer have to find a invitation code. Google announced Tuesday that Google + social wholesale best brand android tablets networks open to the public register, this means that Google and Facebook's desire to enhance competition.

Google launched the Google + 9 new features, including search and topics such as cooking and photography information, see Google + users and related articles on these topics and related content from the Internet.

Cheap Google Android Tablet It is reported that in late June launch of Google +, is
wholesale best brand android tablets considered a challenge to Facebook's masterpiece, had been invited to only accept users, but starting today all users registered. The service will also pay more attention to video chat, and compete with Facebook, which as the main technical advantages.

In addition, Google + state from the "small test" to "beta." Internet
wholesale best brand android tablets research firm comScore said, Google + monthly unique visitors has more than 25 million. But Google has not released the number of active users on any information. Google plans to eventually its YouTube video site and other services, integrated Google + functions.

